by Erika Crampton
This season, millions of people are doing all they
can to ensure that everyone will have their best holiday yet. Little things such
as donating canned goods to your local food pantry can make a massive
difference for your community. Some people however, are taking even bigger
strides to help others.
William Thomas, a 12 year old boy with autism,
is asking for a different Christmas present than most kids are this year. Since
he is severely autistic, he is unable to speak leaving him communicating through
the written word. He is often excluded during social situations due to his
disability. For example, he is never invited to a classmate’s house to hang out.
Despite his lack of friends, William has never let his disability get in the
way of living a normal and healthy life.
asked by his mother, Kay Thomas, what he wanted for Christmas, William responded
by requesting letters through the mail. Unable to figure out how to give William
letters, Kay posted his wish onto Facebook.
has nothing but love in him and I want him to feel the love from others. If you
want to help a kind soul this year, I am asking for strangers to send him mail.
I want him to know the world loves and values him in a way that he understands
and feels,” explained Kay.
After she posted this, it went viral and
millions of people heard about William and they did not hesitate to send him
mail. Since the post, William has received thousands letters from all around
the world. Some people are taking greater strides and mailing William presents
along with letters. People are sending him movies and other items that William
Bank is also participating in spreading Christmas cheer. In their
#MakeTodayBetter campaign, they give one person each day $30,000 to help make their
ideas on helping the community come to life. The people who fund community
service projects truly spread kindness among the community.
man’s project was to build ramps for people in wheelchairs have made it easier
for the impaired to get in and out of their homes easier. He said he understood
how difficult it can be to live in a wheelchair since he is wheelchair bound.
He used the money given by TD Bank to fund this project. One of his neighbors
who received a ramp was unable to leave her house in almost four years until he
built the ramp for her. She was extremely grateful and told everyone the people
who helped were her angels.
man who participated in the campaign used his $30,000 to purchase new sports
equipment for a local school that was struggling financially. The reason he
used it for sports equipment is that throughout his entire life, he has learned
many life lessons through his participation in sports. If he never had equipment
to play, he wouldn’t be the man he is today. The entire community thanked him
for all he did.
has the power to make a difference in someone’s life. Making a difference does
not have to be a huge undertaking like donating expensive sports equipment, or
building handicap ramps. But little
things like holding the door for someone, paying for the coffee of the person
behind you at Starbucks, or giving a homeless individual a few dollars are a
few simple ways to spread kindness and put a smile on someone’s face this
holiday season.