Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Caffeine: once you start it's hard to stop

Caffeine can impact teens in unknown ways.
Photo by Sylvar via Instagram/CC

by Mairead O'Riordan
Everybody, at one point in his or her life, knows the feeling of sleeping through the alarm.  While they are scurrying to get ready for their busy day, they might not realize that they forget to make a coffee or tea until they start to experience some of the side effects.  The most common symptoms that can occur from missing your daily dose of caffeine are a headache and sleepiness.
            If a person forgets to take their daily dose of caffeine, his or her body will start experiencing the uncomfortable side effects.  Caffeine withdrawal is now recognized as a disorder because caffeine can be as addictive as drugs.  The body starts to depend on the caffeine in a mild way but it does not harm the body nearly as much as more addictive drugs would.  Once a people start working caffeine into their daily routines, their bodies becomes used to the ways in which it helps them become more alert.  This makes it hard work it out of their lives.
            Many young kids start consuming caffeine on a regular basis whether it is from soda, energy drinks, or coffee and tea, making it hard for them to cut it out of their life.  Kids today start consuming caffeine when they have to stay up late to finish an assignment and end up not getting a lot of sleep.
           What people don't actually know about caffeine is it is actually doing the opposite of what they want it to do.  They think consuming caffeine will keep them alert throughout their day, but the more caffeine that is consumed throughout the day, the more health problems can occur.  Too much caffeine intake can actually cause anxiety, dizziness and insomnia.  Also, if a person is just consuming caffeine then it can cause acid reflex and heart burn to occur.  The biggest problem that can occur with too much caffeine is dehydration.  Dehydration, in most cases, may cause a person to get a headache, but someone who does not know they are dehydrated might think they need to have more caffeine, and, as a result, making their symptoms worse.

            People, especially young kids, who are addicted to caffeine, should start to consume less of it each day until they do not depend on it anymore.  Water is the best drink to have throughout the day because it keeps you hydrated and also keeps you alert just like caffeine does.  Depending on how much caffeine a person has a day, their detox may last a few days or a few weeks; but, eliminating it from your everyday life will be worth it in the long run.  Nobody should have to depend on caffeine, and, when it is completely gone from someone's life he or she will feel so much better without it!

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