Thursday, March 20, 2014

With prom season approaching, be safe Tanners

The Class of 2012 gathers at WMHS for the promenade.
photo by Hao Mach
by Kate Sweeney
Prom season is officially among us. The walls of Woburn High are buzzing with students gushing over what their going to wear, who they’re going to go with and everything else that comes along with this hectic time of  year. While everyone’s busy carefully planning every little detail of prom one thing tends to slip their minds: safety. 
          In order to make sure all students have a fun and safe prom night it is essential that everyone pre-plans their night. Every time students go out they have to make decisions to keep themselves and their friends and classmates safe; prom shouldn’t be an exception. The LEARN club here at the high school was started after two Woburn Memorial High School students tragically died in impaired driving accidents. LEARN members have made it their mission is to ensure all students are educated on how to make smart decisions and are aware of all their options to “Arrive Alive”.
          Students should keep in mind prom is a school-sponsored event, all school rules apply and there will be severe consequences for students who brake any rules outlined in the student handbook. In saying that most dangerous decision making occurs after prom where there aren’t supervisors around to make sure everyone’s behaving. If students do make the choice to use then they should at least make sure they follow these steps to make sure everyone ends up home safely at the end of the nights.
          The most important step is pre-planning, have a plan for the night before you zip up your dress or button up your tux and walk out the door. Pre-planning includes knowing where your going, what you're doing, and how you're going to get there. You and your friends need to decide on a designated driver, someone who is 100 percent sober for the entire night, not someone who has consumed the least or is impaired in anyway. It’s a good idea to have a back up driver too, just in case anything goes wrong. 
Another good tool to have is a call list. This is a few people, maybe an aunt, uncle, neighbor, grandparent, or family friend, someone who you could call no matter what to pick you up if you were ever stuck in a bad situation.
Often, the last people most teens want to have to call when they’re in a situation involving drugs or alcohol is their parents. They’re afraid of getting in trouble or disappointing their parents, but calling your parents is one of the smartest things you can do. No parents want to get a call from the police or a hospital saying something bad happened to their child. They would rather you call them. They were all young once too, they’ll understand. Being in trouble for a while is better then being seriously injured, or dying because you got in a car with an impaired driver.
          Proms a rite of passage for high school students; it’s supposed to be one of the best nights of your life. It’s one of the few nights the entire grade comes together as one, everybody looks gorgeous and spends the night with all their friends dancing, eating, taking pictures. You don’t want to look back at prom as a painful memory and grieve a tragedy because everyone didn’t take the time to make a plan or make smart decisions.
Take the time, make a plan, and stay safe so you can look back one day and remember Prom as one of the greatest nights of your high school career. 

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