Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tips to take on gym class

by Michaela Zelandi
With the new gym requirement plaguing Woburn High, the nightmare of having to take gym class is now becoming a reality for all of those who previously thought that they left behind their mandatory gym days in middle school.  It is now required that every student, graduating with the Class of 2016 and beyond, has to take some sort of wellness class for a semester, which includes regular PE, cardio, weight training and personal fitness.  Needless to say, this requirement isn’t being looked forward to by all students.  So for those who are dreading the gym experience, here are a few tips that can help you get through the class.
            First of all, students should know what they’re getting into when they sign up for a gym class.  There are different options of classes, so students should sign up for the one they think they will enjoy the most.  The regular gym class is for those who actually enjoy playing games and participating.  This may not be the best class for a person who does not like playing physical games. 
Cardio is class where students do, quite simply, cardio.  Students work out in the weight room and the gymnastics/wrestling rooms.  For students who are more focused on building up their muscles, weight training is the recommended class.  This class makes use of the weights in the weight room, for these students are lifting most of the time. 
Personal fitness explores different types of healthy exercise.  One exercise is introduced and students work out to this exercise for two weeks and then learn a new exercise.  This class is good for those who are likely to get bored with doing the same work-out routine week after week. 
            One of the most dreaded things about gym class is the realization that on must change their clothes – every single day.  This may seem like a daunting task to most people, having to go through the struggle of putting on your skinny jeans or tights every day.  To make this much easier, try to wear clothes that can pass for gym attire as much as you can to avoid having to change.  Girls should try and wear leggings, yoga pants or sweating pants as much as possible because as long as a student’s not wearing jeans, that student will get full credit for changing.  Boys should just wear sweatpants if they want to avoid changing too.  Sophomore Mollie Fraser took personal fitness last semester, and her least favorite part about gym was having to wear different gym clothes every day.
“Changing for gym stresses me out, having to remember another outfit for gym everyday was a hassle,” stated Fraser.
To avoid Fraser’s dilemma, instead of lugging different gym clothes every day to class, simply bring one pair of gym clothes for the entire week.  Also, make sure to bring a pair of sneakers that aren’t important because leaving a pair of sneakers in the locker for the semester will ensure that a student doesn’t have to participate in gym with UGGS or even flip-flops (which the gym teachers don’t appreciate).  By wearing the right attire for gym class, a student will most definitely be on their teacher’s good side.
Each gym student is given a locker and a lock, but sometimes the combination locks given are very difficult to open.  Bring a lock from home instead to make your life much easier.  It’s no fun struggling to get the lock open when the ending bell rings and you’re not even changed yet.
Another essential tip for gym class is making sure to bring perfume, deodorant or cologne.  After gym class, some people begin to regret going all out for whatever activity because they feel sweaty which means they may be smelly.  By having perfume, deodorant or cologne, one can quickly cover up and not have to worry about the smell.

Gym class is now mandatory, so we must make the best of it.  These tips will help make gym as painless as possible.

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