Thursday, November 14, 2013

The history of the hashtag

by Kylie Romano
Over the years, we have witnessed countless celebrities rise to fame from obscurity.  Many of today’s stars wouldn’t have been given a second glance only a few years ago.  However, no star has risen to fame so rapidly and as immensely as the one we have come to know as “the hash tag.”  This new celebrity has agreed to share their story with us, and to thank all those who have helped in their rise to stardom:
            The truth is I’ve always felt that I was destined for greatness, but that no one ever gave me the chance.  I’ve been around for so long, constantly being ignored.  On the odd chance that I was mentioned, I felt I was only being used, recognized for a short moment when I was needed, and then forgotten once again.  Out of the entire team of the keyboard, I was the bench warmer.  I was called “pound,” and occasionally “number.” I wasn’t sure how people could look at my name that always stayed the same, and pronounce it so differently.  While the letters, numbers and even other symbols surrounding me got to play frequently, I was only turned to in extreme cases.  I felt invisible.
            Then came a bird.  I remember the first time we met.  I had already begun to assist in different ways in before, by categorizing topics on Internet relay chats, but the job was still mainly part-time.  In 2007, though, the fantastic sky blue creature came into my life- my first agent- that went by the name of “Twitter.”  I found it odd, but being named “pound” I couldn’t really talk.  I was given a few jobs here and there on the site, but then came my big break: the 2009-2010 Iranian election protests.  I was given the job of sorting out the different languages being used so that readers could be better directed to information.
            It was all uphill from there.  I became a star, I was plastered all over the site all of the time, especially the front page.  People began talking about me that had never given me a second glance before.  It was incredible.  It was like the entire world wanted my autograph!  I could never have imagined such a response in my entire life. 
            All of a sudden, everyone wanted me.  Not only was I a constant presence on Twitter, but new agents began recruiting me as well.  The websites I appeared on gained popularity rapidly.  The more websites I appeared on, the more they wanted me.  I was everywhere.  Two of the most famous agents went by the names of Instagram and Facebook; one never showed their face, constantly covering it with an over-sized retro camera constantly taking photos of me, the other tried to resist adopting me until my popularity became so great that it became eminent. 
            Now, I’m not only shown everywhere, but people are constantly talking about me.  I can’t even go out anymore without hearing my name in practically every conversation I overhear.
            Throughout my rise to fame, however, I’ve tried to remain humble.  Whenever I get wrapped up in the glory of being the topic of practically every conversation, I reflect on where I came from.  I think back to those days spent, lying on the keyboard gathering dust and just wishing for the day that has now come.  I wish to thank each and every one of you: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and countless other sites, as well as each and every one of my fans who have been discussing me tirelessly in helping me become the star that I am today. Thank you, I love you all.

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